Never wanting to stand still Macpac is no stranger to investing in new machinery, in fact over the past 10 years Macpac has replaced 90% of their machine park, upgrading to modern, faster and more energy efficient machinery than their predecessors.

However, this time it’s a game changer for Macpac, with the first Illig down stacking machine with a punch press in the UK.  This new Illig RD74 machine gives Macpac the capability to produce thermoformed packaging with holes punched and removed within the forming itself, using its second cut station for the punching process that is required.

“The new machine gives Macpac a huge leap forward in terms of manufacturing capabilities”

The addition of the down stacking station means tooling can be produced more cost effectively than any up-stacker style machine without compromising run speed and quality to the product.

M.D Graham Kershaw said: “The new machine gives Macpac a huge leap forward in terms of manufacturing capabilities.  Having a machine that can punch and clear within a forming opens so many new avenues for Macpac in terms of customers’ demands.  Where in the past we have had to turn away business due to our machines capabilities we can now offer this service and guarantee the same quality of product and customer service we offer at Macpac.”

Replacing older, less-efficient machinery over the past decade has allowed Macpac to increase their production capacity, without increasing the footprint of the manufacturing site.  Being able to keep overheads to a minimum is key to Macpac being the successful and stable business they have become, which, during the current financial climate and period of uncertainty, is particularly reassuring for customers looking to place their orders with a company they can trust.

Editorial contact:
Editor: Kiran Grewal